Tag: Sustainability

From Lisbon To Berlin: The Top 5 Most Sustainable Cities In Europe

From Lisbon To Berlin: The Top 5 Most Sustainable Cities In Europe

[caption id="attachment_94485" align="aligncenter" width="800"] EU Cities And Sustainability: What Are The Most Sustainable Cities In Europe?[/caption] At the forefront of sustainability in the developed world, the EU continues to lead the transition to an eco-friendly lifestyle. So we asked ourselves: what are the most sustainable...

A Word With Max Studennikoff Ahead Of CC Forum Monaco Event

A Word With Max Studennikoff Ahead Of CC Forum Monaco Event

 As CC Forum Monaco: Investment in Sustainable Development begins, Dinis Guarda has interviewed the founder of CC Forum, Max Studennikoff, to take a look at the highlights and topics to be discussed at the event. Also, to get an update on the latest news...

Digital Assets Exchanges To Become An Essential Part Of Malaysia 5.0

Digital Assets Exchanges To Become An Essential Part Of Malaysia 5.0

Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (“MDEC”) is tasked with organising and leading Malaysia’s Digital Economy forward. MDEC has recently announced Malaysia 5.0, which can contribute to a more sustainable and circular economy by building this national digital ecosystem with a unified alliance of stakeholders both within government and across private...

5 Ways Small Businesses Can Become Carbon Neutral

5 Ways Small Businesses Can Become Carbon Neutral

  Becoming a carbon neutral business isn’t just great for the environment, it’s a fantastic way for your business to show customers how much you care for the world around you. Plus, it’s not as hard as you might think. Conquest Consultancy has taken just...

Environmental, Social, and Governance ESG Investment Blueprint

Environmental, Social, and Governance ESG Investment Blueprint

[caption id="attachment_2192" align="aligncenter" width="1068"] Environmental, Social, and Governance ESG Investment Blueprint[/caption] Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance (ESG) investment is a critical term that is often used synonymously with modern sustainable investing. This type of investment is based on three central factors to measure the sustainability...

Post-Covid Ecological Remediation

Post-Covid Ecological Remediation

[caption id="attachment_1874" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] Post-Covid Ecological Remediation[/caption] One advantage the Chinese have is they can plan far ahead. Their political system does not restrict leadership to envision change in four-year bite sizes. One day the Chinese Communist Party may be replaced by something approaching Western...

How Businesses Can Contribute To A More Sustainable World Post-COVID-19

How Businesses Can Contribute To A More Sustainable World Post-COVID-19

How Businesses Can Contribute To A More Sustainable World Post-COVID-19 News Release contribution Instant Group The short-term impact of the COVID-19 crisis is enormous, and governments are being urged to learn from the crisis and adapt policies across the world. Remote working has skyrocketed, entire...

How Businesses Can Contribute To A More Sustainable World Post-COVID-19

How Businesses Can Contribute To A More Sustainable World Post-COVID-19

[caption id="attachment_1327" align="alignnone" width="525"] business infrastructure sustainability[/caption] How Businesses Can Contribute To A More Sustainable World Post-COVID-19 As human activity is at an all-time low due to enforced global lockdowns, recent studies show COVID-19 is set to cause the most substantial dip in CO2 emissions...

Smart Cities – a cities ABC

Smart Cities – a cities ABC

[caption id="attachment_1267" align="alignnone" width="925"] cities are now smart cities, image collage by Dinis Guarda for citiesabc.com[/caption] Smart Cities the Heartbeat of the 21st Century Covid Driven New Age of Agility In Rome you long for the country; in the country – oh inconstant! – you...