blueprint for smart cities a social contract

a research report by Prof Kiran Fernandes with Atunu Chaudari and Ashish Kakar produced by the University of Durhan and / citiesabc indexdna part of ztudium group / in collaboration with


a holistic proposition based on the studies carried out by prof Kiran Fernandes, the University of Durhan and citiesabc indexdna

a smart city blueprint with humans as the central tenet of the ecosystem.

Harnessing the best of physical and cyber spaces, our vision of the Smart City is conceived to bring about positive and progressive social, economic, political, and environmental changes. The report reimagines cities to see how we might make them more liveable and sustainable places.


First event: ‘A Social Contract Report Launch’ of ‘Blueprint For Smart Cities’ on March 25, 2022 at Attlee & Ried, House of Lords, London






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