Why are NFTs and Matthieu Annenkov's 'cryptoluv' so important in evolving Russian postmodernism?
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On the 25th November 2021, Matthieu Annenkov published his post-modern NFT collection ‘cryptoluv’ on Opensea. Postmodernism is a movement that challenges the ideas and values associated with the previous artistic movement, entitled modernism, which began during the first decades of the 20thcentury. Modernism explored abstract and conceptual art by restabilising different painting techniques. On that account, one can see how ‘cryptoluv’ innovates; it’s clear and concrete message opposes the typical abstract artwork found in modernism. On the other hand, its political outlook and the adoption of NFTs as a way to disseminate the art work are quite unique. Despite the fact that all this sounds promising, it is not without queries: First and foremost what exactly is postmodernism? , how did it begin? , and why is Matthieu's work an example of this genre?, In what ways do NFTs contribute to the growth of Russian postmodernism? and finally, how does 'cryptoluv' as a whole helps in the reduction of censorship in Russia? In this article, we will investigate all of these questions in order to provide clear reasoning as to why Annenkov's 'cryptoluv' is vital to expanding the genre of Russian postmodernism.
Andy Warhol canvas 'Marilyn Diptych'.
What is Post modernism?
Postmodernism is a subgenre of art that arose from movements that opposed modernism. This genre is associated with art forms like intertextuality, as it frequently includes realistic canvas rather than the more abstract works of modernism. The canvas above from the painter Andy Warhol, titled 'Marilyn Diptych,' is a well-known example of postmodernism, depicting a black and white and coloured version of famous movie star Marilyn Manroe from the 1930s-60 (before this paintings release in 1962). As a result, of it employing intertextuality (examining the relationship between previous texts), it challenges modernists' emphasis on progression.
The first examples of postmodernism were seen in the post-World War 1 when Dada art movement began. This movement mocked previous art establishments by reacting negatively to the horrors of the war, even developing anarchic actions and irreverent performances. However, the term was not used until 1979. J.F. Lyotard, a philosopher, pioneered this movement with his book "The Postmodern Condition." This movement expanded to all kinds of mediums and later on even cinema, the American classic Pulp Fiction is a great representation of postmodern cinema.
How is ‘cryptoluv’ an example of post modernism?
Matthieu Annenkov’s NFT collection ‘cryptoluv’ began with the goal of being totally liberated from the structure it would have communicated. It so happened that in Russia they will regularly utilize censorship. This is evident from as early as the 1930s, as Malevich, a well-known Russian artist, was forced to abandon his non-conformist style by Joseph Stalin. Hence, as the collection ‘cryptoluv’ is an experiment, with a series of ten photographs that are laid out as if they were controlled it aims to challenge the control the Russian government has over art.
The creator of this NFT series, Matthieu Annenkov began his career as an underground graffiti artist in the streets of Moscow. Here, he used his internal thoughts to shape his canvas from an early age. His experience as a grafitti artist helped him develop his unique style that explores the relationship between the spectator and the artist.