How to Manage Extreme Headache Symptoms

How to Manage Extreme Headache Symptoms

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Extreme headaches can be very painful and turn every good day into a bad one. Different types of headaches like migraines and cluster headaches can make even the simplest daily tasks impossible. If you want to feel better and go back to your normal life, it’s important to figure out how to manage extreme headache symptoms. In this article, we will share some helpful tips that will allow you to feel like you have more control over your life and improve your health. 

How to Manage Extreme Headache Symptoms

Find Out What Triggers Headache and Avoid It

The best way to manage extreme headache symptoms is to find out what triggers it and then avoid it. Different things are triggers for different persons, but the common ones for everyone are food, stress, lack of sleep, and environmental factors. If you’re not sure how to find the triggers, you can keep a headache journal - write down when it happens and what caused it. This way, you’ll see some common causes. For most people, certain foods and drinks like aged cheeses, processed meats, caffeine, and alcohol are the main triggers. If you see which of these trigger your headache, you can change your diet and avoid them. It’s also important to stay hydrated as drinking a lot of water can prevent headaches. 

Another important headache trigger is stress, of course. No one can avoid stress fully, but you can try some techniques that will reduce it and manage your extreme headaches, like yoga, deep breathing exercises, or mindfulness meditation. You can also try regular physical activity, like walking or swimming to reduce stress. Finally, some environmental factors can also trigger headaches. These can be bright lights, loud noises, strong smells, and so on. To avoid these triggers, you can try wearing sunglasses, using earplugs, and avoiding exposure to strong smells. Once you find out what triggers your headache, it will be easy to avoid it and maximally reduce your headache symptoms. 

Use OTC Medications and Prescription Treatments

OTC (over-the-counter) medications and prescription treatments can be an effective way to manage extreme headache symptoms. Some pain relievers like aspirin, ibuprofen, and acetaminophen can help ease headache pain when used as soon as symptoms appear. However, it’s important to use OTC medications cautiously to avoid any possible side effects. For example, if you overuse them, it can lead to rebound headaches, where the headache returns as soon as you stop taking them. Never take these medications more often than it is prescribed.

For some more serious or chronic headaches, like migraines or cluster headaches, you’ll probably need a prescription treatment. Talk to your doctor, tell them your symptoms, and they will tell you what is the best thing to do. For example, you could be advised to try cluster headache treatment that involves the use of oxygen therapy, triptans, and other medications. It is specifically created to target the strong pain that cluster headaches cause. Keep in mind that it’s important to talk to your doctor first, and then you will find a way to manage extreme headache symptoms and improve your quality of life.

Have a Good Sleep

We already mentioned that lack of sleep can be one of the triggers for extreme headaches. If you have an irregular sleep schedule, lack of sleep, or low-quality sleep, it can only lead to bad health. That’s why it’s important to create a regular sleep routine - it will regulate your body’s internal clock, lead to better sleep quality, and reduce your headaches. Every person needs seven to nine hours of sleep per night. You should try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day (yes, even on weekends). You can also create your own relaxing bedtime routine. Read, take a warm bath, and do some relaxation techniques - these things will signal your body that it’s time to wind down.

One more thing you can do is make your bedroom the perfect place for sleeping. It must be cool, dark, and quiet. Buy some comfortable mattresses and pillows, and limit exposure to screens (smartphones, tablets, TV) right before sleep. Remember, the blue light that screens emit can prevent your body from producing melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep. However, if you follow all these tips, and still have trouble sleeping, you should see a doctor. There are many sleep disorders, like sleep apnea or insomnia, that need the help of professionals. 

Use Natural Remedies and Therapies

Many people find relief from headaches with natural remedies and therapies. These two focus on holistic care. The most popular natural remedies are essential oils - peppermint or lavender oil specifically. You can apply these oils directly to the temples or inhale them through a diffuser - both will mostly provide relief from headache pain. Peppermint oil has a cooling effect and can help relax muscles, while lavender oil has a calming effect and soothing qualities. You can also try some therapies - for example, acupuncture. It is a Chinese method that means inserting very thin needles into specific points of the body to balance energy flow. Doing these sessions regularly will help with chronic headaches. Finally, you can also try massage therapy - massaging the neck, shoulders, and scalp will reduce any muscle tension, improve blood circulation, and give you relief from pain. 

How to Manage Extreme Headache Symptoms

Stay Hydrated

As mentioned above, dehydration is another thing that often causes extreme headaches, so you should make sure that you take enough fluid. Your goal should be to drink at least eight glasses of water a day and increase the number if you are physically active or live in a hot environment. You should also eat healthy and have a lot of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats in your diet. Never skip meals because it usually leads to low blood sugar levels, which then triggers headaches for most people. 

Headaches are not something that should be taken for granted, because they make even the smallest task hard to do. If you don’t know what to do, try any of the tips we mentioned above, and improve your daily life. One more note: always talk to a doctor for a plan that works best for you. 


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