Crypto Investors Are In The Market For The Long-Term

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Around two out of five investors in cryptocurrencies have been in the market for three or more years, underlining how the market is moving into the mainstream, new research from UK-based money app Ziglu shows.
Its study found that 40% of current crypto investors in the UK have held digital currencies for three or more years, with 8% saying they have been in the market for five or more years.
Almost one in five (18%) have started investing in the past six months, with 6% saying they have only come into the market in the past three to four months, despite recent price falls and market volatility. An exchange in USA or any other strong market is recommended for investors, especially if they are new ones.
Ziglu, which offers account services and also enables customers to buy and sell a range of cryptocurrencies, believes crypto investors should look to take advantage of pound cost averaging – investing every month – to smooth out price volatility.
However, the research shows that only 12% of crypto customers buy currencies through regular monthly payments. Around 38% say they bought their cryptocurrencies in a single lump sum, while half (50%) bought their holdings in a number of lump sums when they thought the time was right.
Ziglu’s study found 69% of investors estimate they’ve spent less than £1,000 on cryptocurrencies, and around 12% of investors questioned estimate their crypto holdings are worth £5,000 or more.
Mark Hipperson, Founder and CEO of Ziglu said: “Cryptocurrency investing is becoming ever more mainstream, as shown by the fact that so many customers have now been in the market for three or more years.
“It’s not just a flash in the pan driven by rising prices, and that’s well demonstrated by how many people have been investing in the past three to four months, even as prices have been lower.
“It is also encouraging to see that investors are regularly drip-feeding money into their crypto investments rather than trying to time the market with one-off lump sums. The benefits of pound cost averaging are well known in the equity markets, and the principle applies equally well in the crypto market.”
Ziglu offers clients access to Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Cardano, Chainlink, Dogecoin, Ether, Litecoin, Polkadot, Solano and Tezos. Ziglu is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and fully authorised as an Electronic Money Institution. It is also one of the world's first cryptocurrency platforms to comply with the Anti Money Laundering and Counter Terrorist Financing standards set by Financial Action Task Force (FATF), implemented in over 200 jurisdictions. As with any investment, capital is at risk.

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