Covid-19 Is a Chance to Build a new cities abc Magna Carta with 4IR, smart cities Tech, Blockchain AI

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Covid-19 Is a Chance to Build a new cities abc Magna Carta Charter of Liberties for Humanity with 4IR, smart cities Tech, Blockchain AI
“For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted; a time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance; a time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;”
Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
“Magna Carta, meaning ‘The Great Charter’, is one of the most famous documents in the world. Originally issued by King John of England (r. 1199–1216) as a practical solution to the political crisis he faced in 1215, Magna Carta established for the first time the principle that everybody, including the king, was subject to the law. Although nearly a third of the text was deleted or substantially rewritten within ten years, and almost all the clauses have been repealed in modern times, Magna Carta remains a cornerstone of the British constitution.
Most of the 63 clauses granted by King John dealt with specific grievances relating to his rule. However, buried within them were a number of fundamental values that both challenged the autocracy of the king and proved highly adaptable in future centuries. Most famously, the 39th clause gave all ‘free men’ the right to justice and a fair trial. Some of Magna Carta’s core principles are echoed in the United States Bill of Rights (1791) and in many other constitutional documents around the world, as well as in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) and the European Convention on Human Rights (1950).” source Article by Claire Breay, Julian Harrison, in
“Our nation and our civilization were built on production, on building. Our forefathers and foremothers built roads and trains, farms and factories, then the computer, the microchip, the smartphone, and uncounted thousands of other things that we now take for granted, that are all around us, that define our lives and provide for our well-being. There is only one way to honor their legacy and to create the future we want for our own children and grandchildren, and that’s to build. Marc Andreessen “It’s Time To Build”
“In the 5 million years since early hominids first emerged from east Africa's Rift Valley, the Earth's climate has grown increasingly erratic. Over cycles lasting hundreds of thousands of years, arid regions of central Africa were overrun by forests, forests gave way to grasslands and contiguous landscapes were fractured by deep lakes.
It was within the context of this swiftly changing landscape that humans evolved their sizable brains and capacity for adaptive behavior, said Rick Potts, director of the Human Origins Program at the Smithsonian Institution National Museum of Natural History”
Humanity has faced many crises and economic recessions and through our evolution we have changed and adapted. Our capacity to change and evolve is what distinguishes us from most other of nature’s creatures. It is also and foremost our capacity to dream and hope. The coronavirus pandemic is creating a crisis that not only has vast healthcare, biological, economic, leadership, political, social, and moral implications but turns upside down the way we have been living, working, undertaking business, investment and life. All we need to do is to pull our collective thoughts, ideas and resources together and develop a strategy on the next stage of our evolution.
Building a strategy for cities to tackle the impact of the Covid-19
The Covid-19 crisis has had a significant impact on society and we will have developed new ways of social behaviour and an adjusted working culture coming out of this next recession. New ways of interacting, playing, relationships, learning and new ways of understanding the challenges and opportunities that surround us resulting in new leaders. The outcome of the crisis is most likely a massive shift in the western civilisation as we know it and the biggest of all 3600 disruptions. With the Covid-19 Pandemic we are defining a new age of humanity.
We need a new vision and a new narrative, a new Magna Carta built on blockchain and AI driven platforms, a charter of liberties and a constitution for humanity. We use this metaphor of building a cities abc in the form of a matrix to list, reinvent and unite all cities, universities and especially for citizens in the world in a framework of trust and transparency of truth.
“Why not create a society that lives up to our best aspirations and capabilities?
In effect, instead of being satisfied with “getting back to normal”, why not aspire to “getting to better”?” Steve Denning in Why Only The Agile Will Survive via @forbes
More than ever, this vision is critical in these challenging times we are living in, with the advance of the Coronavirus - Covid-19. This vision is a practical manifesto and a road map that integrates ideas and technology, and has a built in architecture that includes the following core values:
1. Empowerment, Identity and education - new self development model that includes the ownership and personal empowerment with new models to quantify self data;
2. Economic and Financial models that are built around a new circular economic and Sustainable Supply Chain lifestyles (including Social Impact, Track, Trace and Provenance);
3. A healthcare and wellness sustainable p2p nature centric paradigm, that enables humans to build a symbiotic relationship with their peers and nature;
4. P2P Value Creation based on work having a meritocratic gamification angle transfer reward system (that redesigns and resets the global Payments and Finance mechanisms).
by Dinis Guarda for
The Coronovirus crisis as a Great Humanity Sort of Accelerator, special for cities
The crisis is thus proving to be a Great Humanity Sort of Accelerator, it is speeding up the challenges we are facing as humans and, in extremis, it will show the best and the worst of humanity. Aspiring leaders can choose roads to authoritarianism and unfortunately fear can drive to some leaders using the emergency to test the limits of our always fragile and sensitive civil rights, our perception of what means to be a citizen, our cities and some will for sure try to consolidate power at the expense of the social rights we assume for granted in the western world and our conception of democracy. Public handling of the quarantine, social distance are creating major social and financial / economic unrest and governments are trying multiple bailouts to all of us the affected key stakeholders, that in many cities and parts of society risk being diverted for political purposes. Furthermore, our Civil rights and especially our very own personal identity that means data that is now almost all of our privacy are also now at increasing risk.
It is impossible to know what will happen, but it is possible to consider the lessons of the past, both distant and recent, and on that basis, to think constructively about the present moment steps that build our future.
We believe the following elements will be important in shaping the next normal—and that government, business and all of us at large as professionals are the leaders that will need to come to terms with them.
Leaders and companies and effectively all of us citizens will have to create solid realistic risk models that allow for the “turning of setbacks into springboards for opportunities”, and this is worth investing in.
Some elements to consider when looking at this Covid-19 moment and how to answer to this?:
1. Redesign our core personal and social Health and Safety systems around wellness centric solutions;
2. Design a new system built with Mechanics of our of the box adaptation;
3. Look at the in-depth Strategic Opportunities and Risks and move fast;
4. Internal and external ways to Upgrading our current models of comfort zones, don’t take anything for granted;
5. Implementing Social and Business default setting change DNA Agility;
6. Look at longer-term Implications: redesigning Leadership with a new ABC?
The technology sector will play a key role in creating new solutions for cities and nations in a new world, where digital systems and platforms will be critical for all citizens that live mostly in cities, and will be the leading solid way to find solutions and create new opportunities, work jobs, which will be critical in the post pandemic immediate recovery phase.
Many people, businesses and investors will find themselves severely impacted by the crisis, in a recent survey, Perth Angels’ members revealed that they are very interested in the deal flow activities during this period.
“Disruption and opportunity go hand in hand” might be a well worn term in the business and investor ecosystem, but we have always found it to be accurate. Whilst these are deeply painful times for so many, the nature of the free market (ok, capitalism), means that astute investors are searching for businesses, business models, and for those entrepreneurs who are looking through the dark clouds in times such as these, seeking to find those silver linings. The tech industry experienced only limited recovery during the mid-2000s after dotcom, then the NASDAQ took a brief dive again during the 2008 crisis, and then jumped on a bull for a decade, rising from its spring 2009 low near 1300 to around 8000 today (that's a 600% return).
COVID-19 has served to accelerate the inexorable trend to digitization and the so called Fourth Industrial Revolution 4IR. All tech and software to serve cities infrastructure, media and video conferencing, to cities, country and governments infrastructure, education and healthcare will be increasingly digital and also online shopping will be dependent on digital platforms like citiesabccom.
People and businesses, investors are and have no way out to optimizing fully their digital umbilical cord in order to survive and grow. Digital transformation systems is what now binds people, businesses, societies, cities and the world, together.
Paradoxically there is also a return to local, and a platform like citiesabc can be one of the best examples worldwide to provide both global and local niche opportunities.
Only through advanced partnerships with local and global leading universities and cities plus companies are able to manage the urgency and opportunities that are on the horizon. We need platforms with advanced developer software ready to be manage all our digital utility needs. Here the ones that will be able to deliver the 4IR, the Internet, AI and Blockchain technologies as tools for utilities are the ones that will position its teams, management and investors as a leading global players.
Many of the opportunities for leaders business cities and investors are now to have a deep connection to solutions and investments that create purpose, utility, social empowerment not just profit. Here there a real possibility for the rise of a P2P circular economy movement. is one such example, with tech that can create solutions for social healthcare sustainability at the core of this unstoppable momentum.
Many people, and many investors will be deeply transformed by this moment in time when the vulnerability of the planet, and our humanity has been amplified.
How to design a new agile circular economy 4IR, blockchain AI powered intelligent smart cities business models
Business models that are rising up will have to meet this new circular economic paradigm of thinking. We need to design and create circular economic 4IR, blockchain AI powered business models based data and intelligence systems. These models casn make our cities and communities and not only prosper, but will be drivers of change, for the better. As a result, they will create substantial returns and ROI and a more symbiotic ecosystem of relationships and coordinated systems.
The main certainties already visible from this crisis is the acceleration of people’s relationship with digital technologies, data, privacy and education. This is even more critical for governments and nations and special with their relashionship with education and work new models. The companies, universities that are agile and adapting can offer solutions and will be the leading ones driving the new ways coming out of the recession that are now already moving towards with our fully enabled core technology solutions.
There could be lasting changes to consumer attitudes toward physical distance, health, and privacy. For example, increased health awareness and a corresponding desire to live more healthily could bring lasting change to where, how, and what people eat. Some consumers and governments—but by no means all—may change their attitudes toward the sharing and use of personal data if it can be demonstrated that the use of such data during the crisis helped safeguard lives. Citiesabc is based on the sovereignty of self data as well as health and wellbeing technologies.
In three areas in particular—digital commerce, telemedicine, and automation—the COVID-19 pandemic could prove to be a decisive turning point but it is in the hands of all of us to make that happen. In a world where social media is mostly used for criticism and entertainment we should use these technologies more for education and self development.
Online platforms and e-commerce have already changed meaningfully and visibly, although they have been eating into the sales of our offline brick-and-mortar stores. So now the challenge is to make a bridge between the digital and the non-digital patterns. What the coronavirus has done is to accelerate a change in retail and shopping habits that was already well established.
Early indications from China, for example, are that new customers and markets—specifically individuals aged 36 and over and residents of smaller, less prosperous cities—have begun to shop online in greater numbers. In Europe, 13 percent of consumers said in early April that they were planning to browse online e-tailers for the first time. In Italy alone, e-commerce transactions have risen 81 percent since the end of February.
Business leaders now have a better sense of what can, and cannot, be done outside their companies’ traditional processes. Many are beginning to appreciate the speed with which their organizations can move once they change how they do things. In short, the coronavirus is forcing both the pace and scale of workplace innovation. Indeed, as businesses are forced to do more with less, many are finding better, simpler, less expensive, and faster ways to operate. Here the data analytics and technology apps are poised to help these organisations to digitally transform.
A Credit Suisse report by their leading economist who wrote it, Zoltan Pozsar, forensically analysed the $1tn in corporate savings parked in offshore accounts, mostly by big tech firms. The largest and most intellectual-property-rich 10% of companies – Apple, Microsoft, Cisco, Oracle and Alphabet (Google’s parent company) among them – controlled 80% of this hoard. This balance of power dwarfs the cash of most large countries and their power on the individual is significant. We need platforms that redress this imbalance where self sovereignty of your own data and the economics of all transactions are the benefit of the individual. Here the citisabc mission is critical.
The figures for telemedicine and virtual health are just as striking. Teladoc Health, the largest US stand-alone telemedicine service, reported a 50 percent increase in service in the week ending March 20, and is adding thousands of doctors to its network.
Importance of P2P Cities Collaboration and partnerships in the Policies, Education, Government, governance and Business and industries
Collaboration and partnerships are more important than ever. Because of the complexity of the pandemic all the alliances and multiple skills required to respond to this “black swan” crisis will never be resident in a single organisation, you need to collaborate, build new solutions, national and international and extensively focus on to how to access all the knowledge, research, skills and resources required to cope. The citiesabc platform and openbusinesscouncil platform is positioned to facilitate collaboration, build alliances and build solutions based on academic research provided by the citiesabc platform.
Leaders, cities and companies have to invest in change management to digitally transform themselves and make a better use of technologies that solve most of their problems. In parallel, they have to find ways to create new leading partnerships with global personalities and organisations to create a network of solutions and enable tackling problems with more deep engagement and resilience.
We need platforms and approaches that are unique in position to take advantage of the multiple challenges that cities are facing. This involves how governments and international organisations can re-organise our world with more pragmatic digital transformation and related stimulus packages wherever it can be applicable for our society and businesses. We need platforms to lead the response to this change and to become an initiative about protecting and creating new solutions and jobs. citiesabc collaboration with universities and academic research will facilitate and drive innovation, because change is now paramount.
Today, 55% of the world’s population lives in urban areas, a proportion that is expected to increase to 68% by 2050. Therefore a platform that focuses on the citizens of these cities and provides them with Empowerment, Identity and education - new self development model that includes the ownership and personal empowerment with new models to quantify self data. New Economic and Financial models that are built around a new circular economic and Sustainable Supply Chain lifestyles (including Social Impact, Track, Trace and Provenance). A new healthcare and wellness paradigm that enables humans to build a symbiotic relationship with their peers and nature and where P2P Value Creation based on work having a meritocratic gamification angle transfer reward system (that redesigns and resets the global Payments and Finance mechanisms) is all available to them in an environment of trust and truth, a new digital Magna Carta.

Dinis Guarda is the founder and chief vision architect for and CEOCreatorAuthor of freedomxcom. He has before created the platforms,,,, and and IP technologies,, iDNA and indexDNA.
With 20+ years experience in international business and digital transformation Dinis Guarda has been a Lecturer and guest Speaker in international business schools such as: Cambridge, Kings College, Copenhagen Business School, INSEEC, Monaco University among others. Dinis is the author of various books. His upcoming book, titled 4IR Magna Carta Cities ABC: A tech AI blockchain 4IR Smart Cities Data Research Charter of Liberties for our humanity is due to be published in 2020. Before that, he has published “4IR AI Blockchain Fintech IoT Reinventing a Nation“, “How Businesses and Governments can Prosper with Fintech, Blockchain and AI?”, also “Blockchain, AI and Crypto Economics – The Next Tsunami?” among others. He was responsbile for over 20 books/ebooks/magazines published in various languages.
Dinis is a serial entrepreneur and CEO / chairman of the companies ztudium / techabc / open business platform. Dinis is involved as a strategist, board member and advisor with the payments, lifestyle, blockchain reward community app Glance technologies, for whom he built the blockchain messaging / payment / loyalty software Blockimpact, the seminal Hyperloop Transportations project, Kora, and blockchain cybersecurity Privus.
He is listed in various global fintech, blockchain, AI, social media industry top lists as an influencer in position top 10/20 within 100 rankings: such as Top People In Blockchain | Cointelegraph and .
Between 2014 and 2015 he was involved in creating a a digital bank between Asia and Africa as Chief Commercial Officer and Marketing Officer responsible for all legal, tech and business development. Between 2009 and 2010 he was the founder of one of the world first fintech, social trading platforms for Saxo Bank. More about him here