Satisfying the Emotional Requirements of Digital Nomad Work

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Digital nomad work is more popular than ever before, with what The Guardian reports as millions of people now engaged in this type of lifestyle. It’s a topic we’ve talked about before on a technical and logistical level, but there’s another side of this life that is less discussed, that of emotional work. As fantastic as the dream can be, there are parts of the reality of digital nomad work that many can find challenging or even unpleasant, should they face these elements unprepared.
To address these concerns, here we’ll break down the common concerns that people who rush into digital nomad work have faced. Many of these can be addressed or overcome entirely through a little preparation, so if you’re looking to adopt this type of lifestyle, then consider the implications carefully.
Culture Shock and Alienation
Traveling to a new area on holiday and experiencing a dissonance between what you expected and what you received can be overwhelming. This is so common that there’s even a term given to it, as explored at Independent. On holiday, you can at least rest assured that you’ll soon be ready to go home. As a digital nomad, you might not be so fortunate.
When you’re arriving to stay in a new country as a nomad, it can be difficult to quickly change your plans. You can be stuck in a very different environment, finding it difficult to adapt or make new friends. This can be addressed, however, by creating a plan to integrate with like-minding people beforehand. If you're new, staying in areas with large digital nomad or expat populations can help you ease in, and build a more successful approach from the experience of others.
Financial Insecurity
Being in another country as a digital nomad means you always need to have enough bank to look after yourself or fly back home in an emergency. Keeping savings is a good start here, but there are other approaches too if you have property back home. Renting or going on Airbnb is one option, or you could go a step further.
Another popular solution is to sell a home using a service like Sold. Sold can generate free cash offers with no hidden fees in less time than a traditional agent. This can help you stay afloat in another country, or even purchase new property if you find a place where you’d like to settle down.
Relationship Challenges
Most digital nomads travel alone, and this can make dating difficult. If you are open to seeking more permanent relationships on the go, then be aware you might have to cut your digital nomad lifestyle short if you find the right person. This can be a positive thing, but it will require the ability to rapidly change plans if love comes knocking.
As doom and gloom as it might sound, the digital nomad lifestyle can be the most rewarding possible way to live. It’s a matter of whether it’s the right fit for you, and just as importantly, if you’re prepared for the challenges it presents. Go in understanding what you’ll face, and you’ll be far more likely to succeed and find a lifestyle that you'll be happy to live for the years or even decades to come.

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